Dwell in His shelter
Ruby Harris

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Who Fights For You

How you survive in your warfare 
Depends on who fights your battle 
If the right one is Commander-in-Chief
Then, Satan, your chain can't "rattle"
we are not supposed to take charge 
As a child of God He will lead the fight
When it's over and the results are seen 
You will see He does it right
Our problem is being "so quick on the draw"
We act on emotion not thinking of the fall 
We rush out and engage the enemy 
When we haven't considered God at all 
When the opposing forces get us cornered
We begin to want to retreat
That is when we finally call on God
Hoping He will save us from defeat
Wounded and weary we try to survive 
Until God has the enemy in hand
Then we expect Him to pet and pamper us 
Change the circumstance and help us to stand 
If we would allow Him His rightful place 
Let Him be the true Commander-in-Chief
We could stay ready and prepared to follow Him
Saving ourselves a world of grief

Friday, Oct 17, 2003
Ruby Harris
Dwell in His shelter - Psalms 91:1
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