Dwell in His shelter
Ruby Harris

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Power of Words

In using words I have to remember 
There is power is what you say
That is why it’s so important 
To choose carefully words used in your day 
God will hold us one day accountable 
For every word that we have let proceed 
Through our lips for someone to hear 
Expecting someone, somewhere to heed 
God, Himself, says there is life and death 
In the very words that we speak 
We have got to use the ones that build and encourage
Giving strength to the sick and the weak 
We have also got to remember to share 
The words that give courage to those who lead 
For they in turn speak the ones back to us 
That provides the food on which we feed.
That tells me words will recycle
When they are spoken they should do good 
They will then come back to their source
Prepared to bless just as they should
Let’s be careful to speak and build 
Never speak any that will  tear down 
The power sent forth will exalt our God 
Changing lives as they circle around 

Saturday, October 26, 2002      Ruby Harris     ©2002

Dwell in His shelter - Psalms 91:1
Site Designed by Gary Norris
© 2003 Ruby Harris - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED